Homework 1

3. (a)

In class, we regressed the the monthly price per pound of chicken on an intercept and the times the chicken prices were measured, \( \boldsymbol t = \left(2001 + 7/12, \dots, 2015 + 11/12 \right) \). Plot the residuals from this regression as a function of the month.

fit <- lm(chicken~time(chicken))
month <- round((time(chicken) - floor(time(chicken)))*12, 0) + 1

3. (a)

plot(month, fit$residuals, xlab = "Month", ylab = "Residuals")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

3. (b)

Using lm, regress monthly price per pound of chicken on an intercept, \( \boldsymbol t \), and indicators for the month the price was recorded.

fit.new <- lm(chicken~time(chicken)+factor(month))

3. (c)

The lm function used in part (b) returns an estimate of \( \sigma_w \). Is this the unbiased estimate \( s^2_w \), or the maximum likelihood estimate \( \hat{\sigma}^2_w \)?

[1] 4.712181
sqrt(sum((chicken - fit.new$fitted.values)^2)/(length(chicken) - 
[1] 4.712181

3. (d)

Describe and interpret the results of an \( F \)-test of the model used in (a) versus the regression model used in (b).

anova(fit, fit.new)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: chicken ~ time(chicken)
Model 2: chicken ~ time(chicken) + factor(month)
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1    178 3925.9                           
2    167 3708.2 11    217.76 0.8916 0.5499

3. (e)

Compute AIC values for the the model used in (a) and the model used in (b). Based on AIC, which model provides a better fit? Do AIC and the F-test agree?

n <- length(chicken)
k.fit <- length(coef(fit))
k.fit.new <- length(coef(fit.new))
ss.fit <- mean((chicken - fit$fitted.values)^2)
ss.fit.new <- mean((chicken - fit.new$fitted.values)^2)
log(ss.fit) + (n + 2*k.fit)/n
[1] 4.104627
log(ss.fit.new) + (n + 2*k.fit.new)/n
[1] 4.169783

3. (f) and (g)

(f) Plot the residuals from model (b) as a function of time.

plot(time(chicken), fit.new$residuals, xlab = "Month", ylab = "Residuals", type = "l")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Referring back to (f), do you see evidence of correlated residuals across time?

3. (h)

Plot the sample autocorrelation function of the residuals from model (b) for \( h\leq 24 \) without using the acf function or any other third party function that automatically computes the ACF. Include a dashed horizontal line at \( 0 \).

r <- fit.new$residuals
h <- seq(0, 24, by = 1)
acvf <- numeric(length(h))
time.diff <- outer(1:n, 1:n, "-")
rr <- outer(r, r, "*")
for (i in 1:length(h)) {
  acvf[i] <- (sum(rr[which(time.diff == h[i])]))/n
acrf <- acvf/acvf[1]

3. (h)

Revisit (g) - do you see evidence of correlated residuals across time?

points(h, acrf, ylab = "ACF", xlab = "Lag", pch = 16, col = "blue")
abline(h = 0, lty = 2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9