Maryclare Griffin

Assistant Professor
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Department of Mathematics and Statistics


Getting Started with Github and RStudio

This material was created for a guest lecture, and I figured it could be useful to others so here it is!


Before we start - why do this?! Writing up your code in R packages hosted on Github can make:

Our Main Resources and Basic Steps

Jenny Bryan’s “Happy Git and GitHub for the useR” is a great resource for setting up Github and RStudio to work together. Assuming you have already installed R and RStudio, the basic steps are:

Jenny Bryan’s “Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R course site has some very helpful material on creating R packages and hosting them on GitHub including:

An aside re: Dropbox.

I (irresponsibly) make repositories in Dropbox folders. People on the internet will tell you that you should never do this, and honestly they are probably right. However, based on a few years of experience working this way, my opinion is that it is fine to make repositories in Dropbox folders if you are not collaborating with anyone on the repository. If the Dropbox folder and repository are shared, it will be too easy for you and your collaborators to accidentally overwrite each others’ work without realizing it.